All about LOAMLife

LOAMLife Career Transformational Coaching is for young professionals, entrepreneurs and executives who are feeling stressed out, unsatisfied and stuck in their careers and in their lives. They want some sort of CHANGE but aren’t sure how to achieve it on their own.

If you’ve ever wondered:

  • Why do I work so hard yet feel so unsatisfied?
  • Is my career headed in the right direction?
  • What steps can I take to get where I want to go in life?
  • Am I ultimately the obstacle to my success?
  • Is life passing me by?
  • How do I establish a work / life balance without jeopardizing my career?

If you can relate to these questions, we want you to know that you can be successful without compromising your wants or changing who you are deep down at work or in your life.  

How do we know this?

Because the founder of LOAMLife has been there, done that herself. She has enjoyed tremendous success in corporate America for over 17 years and continues to do so on her own terms. She will be the first to tell you, it is not rocket science, but it does require a willingness on your part to trust who you are and to recognize the powers and strengths you already possess.

Victoria can show you how to understand and improve the habits and thinking that are holding you back so you can get where you want to go.

Find out more about Victoria here >>

Victoria Repka-Geller: Founder

"You may be wondering why LOAMLife. My first venture into corporate American left me feeling that I was expected to be a man in a woman’s body, hence, Lipstick On A Man. I’ve learned much since that first foray and I know that LOAM is the fertile soil we all need to cultivate in order to grow our perfect careers—men and women alike. We all need to LOAMLife and my mission is to help YOU take Power Over Your Career™."