

“I send everyone that needs career counseling to Victoria. She is fabulous. She is amazing. I like her because she is just like me: she’s very practical and very intuitive – great combination, She knows her stuff she will help you repackage yourself, she will help you re-imagine yourself, she will help you reinvent yourself.”

– Barbara Stanny, leading authority on women and money, popular motivational speaker, financial educator, former journalist, and career counselor


1“Working with Victoria is easily one of the smartest investments I have made in my career. During our work together I saw how much I was my own worst enemy – doubting myself and my potential. Through her coaching I learned how to position myself and my strengths to get what I wanted, ultimately resulting in a new job that doubled my income.  I have worked with many coaches but Victoria stands apart as she has the passion, talent and most importantly the experience that most coaches do not posses – a rare combination when many today call themselves a coach without nearly the qualifications. To date I still check-in to get challenged and a fresh perspective.”
– Holly Christie, Corporate Lawyer



“Victoria had a huge impact on my career direction. After one day of earnest and insight observation, she advised that I’d be happiest and most impactful if I began to shift my career more toward the creative side of our business. It really struck me. Stuck with me. I took her coaching and I am glad I did!”


– Duke Greenhill, Writer, Film-Maker and Creative Director




testimonial-images-1Coaching with Victoria has truly been life transforming. I initially thought she would simply help me with my resume, but was happily surprised with much more. There was so much inner work involved with her coaching- with each session I gained a new perspective about my situation and discovered things (qualities and feelings) about myself that I never knew existed. l went from feeling lost and without purpose to knowing 110% in my heart that I have found my purpose and have given myself the permission to pursue it. Thank you so much Victoria!

-Claudia Soria, Strategic Planner, Business and Program Development



testimonial-images-4I was looking to make a transition out of the organization I was working for but I felt stuck and afraid that I did not have a strong cohesive story about my professional journey. When looking at my resume I only saw a long description of duties. When I contacted Victoria I was immediately impressed with her. Her years of professional experience in the advertising world and her great coaching skills were the perfect blend for me. We immediately created a strategy and she kept me accountable as I worked on powerful exercises. The end result was not only a great resume but an amazing feeling of empowerment as I found my story.  Weeks later I was called in from two firms, one of them where I happily work today.

-Nicolas Ospina, VP of Operations for American Service Alliance



I came to Victoria as a confused, downtrodden and just plain worn out career woman. Having her listen and “hear” topics and issues in my conversations with her that I wasn’t recognizing was enlightening and life-changing for me. While we didn’t dredge out items from my past, she helped realize how some of the past was affecting me. Once I was able to address those issues, my mindset began to change and I became more confident and more in control of my life and reactions.

-Sheri Penner, CAE, Entrepreneur and COO of Penner, Inc.



“Victoria Repka-Geller is brilliant! Within 30 minutes I was inspired and had my next action steps! Victoria provided me with two diamond level ideas for re-packaging myself that I am NOT going to share, because I want to own them and savor this moment of how very valuable & rare I AM!”

– Debbie Allen, IT Specialist



“Working with Victoria is an incredible way to invest in yourself, and in your own success. She helped me piece together elements of my story in a way that has proven invaluable to various aspects of my professional development and job search, from interviewing techniques to helping me identify and articulate my competitive edge. She’s supportive, thoughtful, and is genuine in her desire to help you achieve your goals.”

– Dena W., Marketing Executive



4“I couldn’t have been offered my dream job without Victoria’s help. Before I started working with her, the position seemed like a long shot. After our first conversation, I realized I was the perfect candidate. She prepped me for each interview and equipped me with every trick of the trade to get the job, working from my own skills and strengths. Victoria was my secret weapon to getting the job that’s going to make my career.”

-Hannah, High-end Fashion Magazine Advertising Sales Executive



“I felt like Victoria “got me” immediately. I felt an instant connection and she gave me hope. I couldn’t imagine changing careers and losing the income I had worked so many years to achieve. She taught me that I didn’t have to do that, there were other options.

Victoria taught me how to turn back the faucet slowly so that I was still a productive employee; but now a productive employee with boundaries. She worked with me to introduce fun and pleasure back into my life, but at a pace that wasn’t crazy and overwhelming for me. She could sense when I was stressed and you worked with it and got me through it. She did all of this over the course of our coaching sessions at a pace I was comfortable with while still pushing me and challenging me out of my comfort zone so that I continued to move forward and make progress towards my goal of work/life balance.


-Judy, Senior Corporate Account Director, Pharmaceuticals Executive



“Victoria is a genius angel.”

-Lara W., Freelance Writer and Editor



“We are blessed to have people like Victoria in the planet. I needed help, urgently. In the middle of my confusion, she helped me get rid of emotion and see clearly what I needed to know. It made me calmer, more concentrated and able to deal with the issue. Thank you very much, Victoria, for jumping so quickly to rescue me.”

– Estela Sasson, Amazing Mother